How to Get the Confidence & Career Success You Want

Free 45-Minute Master Class

Learn the 5 Steps My Clients Take to Eliminate Self-Doubt and Fast-Track Their Careers

- If you tell your self you're not good enough...

- If you ever feel like an imposter...

- If you want to stop getting in your own way so you can walk into any room (or zoom) with confident ease...

- If you ever worry that you will never live you to your potential, and may never achieve the emotional freedom and success you want...then this life-changing training is for you...and it takes less than 45 minutes of your precious time! 

Watch Training Now

Eliminate Overwhelm & Self Doubt

Get the exact step-by-step system my executive and professional clients are using to eliminate self-doubt and fast-track their career success, even in the midst of pandemic-related budget cuts, and no person-to-person contact.

Learn how defeat overwhelm, and become calm and productive, no matter how much is on your plate, or how stressed-out everyone around you may be in these uncertain and challenging times.

Build Towering Authentic Confidence

Learn why 'fake it till you make it' is the worst strategy to step-up at work, and the simple secret my clients use to build towering confidence practically overnight.

Learn this shift that will have you actually looking forward to high-stakes virtual conversations, knowing you’ll ace them and improve your reputation with every matter how much you used to dread and over-prepare for these meetings, and no matter how much you've been keeping your head down on video calls.


Get What You Want & Still Be Likeable

Learn how to become an amazing influencer, who people look forward to interacting with, and who gets people to do what's in the best interest of your career and the company. And do it authentically, without pretending to be someone you aren't.

Become masterful, calm, and confident in any 'difficult' or 'crucial' conversation, so you confidently ask for what you want, say no with grace -- not guilt-- and give corrective feedback that lands AND builds trust.

"The coaching I received from Denise has transformed me as a leader. If your on the fence, donā€™t be. Her stuff works."

Norma McCowin
Senior Director, Program Management & Support Services

"When I met Denise I had been working with a coach for two years, but was still stuck in overwhelm, overwork, and people-pleasing. I felt exhausted and unappreciated. In just a few weeks, Denise helped me find my true, joyful self. I not only got hours back in the day, I feel like I am 10 years younger."

Lisa, Sr. Manager, Healthcare

"Before I started working with you, I literally told my boss to stop paying me more money. I felt unworthy in my newly promoted role and was making a bad impression in meetings. All that changed fast, thanks to you. Working with you was hands down the best decision I made in 2020! I finally chipped away at my chronic self-doubt and now see (and believe) the value I bring to my job. I incorporate the daily exercises into my work routine."

Debbie Campagnolo
Director, Operations

Now is the Time to Find and Achieve Your True Worth

Most execs and professionals were already feeling stuck in their career, filled with self-doubt that was causing them to self-sabotage.
Even before the pandemic crisis, they struggled with how they could stand out and make the right impressions, so they could achieve their career goals.
Now, in this strange era—where they’re stuck at home, working amidst distractions, and communications are all virtual—they’re feeling even more self-doubt and anxiety...and it’s causing them to show up poorly.
While our times have changed drastically, their goals haven’t. They’re ambitious: they want to learn, grow, and get ahead in their careers...even when most people are just happy to have a job.
But they don’t have a straight-forward path to finally put that nagging voice in their head to rest, and show up as their best possible self. And they know that if they don’t turn it around, they may create the very result they fear...tanking a promising career.
Meanwhile, my clients are leveraging a secret strategy that allows them get rid of self-doubt, anxiety, and self-sabotage. They build true, towering self-confidence, and show up better than ever before, even in this weird era of video meetings from home offices (or bedrooms, closets, and kitchens...).
This strategy allows them to stand out in the best way, earn respect and trust of Sr. Leadership, and unlock promotions and pay-raises...even in the midst of crisis-related budget-cuts.
I’m revealing the exact step-by-step system they are using in my free video training. Just click the link to watch it now. It’s absolutely worth your time.
Watch the Masterclass & Learn the 5-Steps to True Confidence & Success

"I felt debilitated by consuming thoughts about my circumstances. The tools that Denise provided were clear, simple, and didn't take much time to apply. I'm now able to shift my outlook to what I can control, and adjust my focus to what I can do in any given situation to improve it."

Karen Cervera
Senior Director

"Four-decades of self-doubt is over. I will no longer hold myself back"

V.P., Marketing

"Denise's program was metamorphic. I quickly integrated the tools and techniques into my daily life. Here I am, more than two years later in a better job, still using and benefiting from those behaviors."

Christina Rimmer
M.A., PMO Director, Healthcare

Who am I?

Denise R. Green

I spent 15 years in leadership roles at Oracle and Charles Schwab where I became obsessed with understanding what made some leaders better than others.

I founded Brilliance Inc in 2008, and since then, I have helped thousands of professionals get out of their own way and become the best version of themselves.

I'm a mom, transformational coach, and author and podcaster of Work-Life Brilliance: Tools to Create the Life and Health You Crave

I'm a learner and synthesizer who loves creating efficient tools and programs that help you make profound, lasting change in as little time as possible.


Click Here for the FREE Masterclass

"At 50 I found myself floundering through a career change. I was terrified to expose myself to judgement and criticism. Mired in self-doubt and the fear of being exposed as an imposter, I was frustrated and stuck. With Deniseā€™s process, I completely shifted what I believed and how I felt about my situation. That shift freed me to move forward with ease. Instead of terrified, Iā€™m excited to be doing what I love and am confident about sharing it with the world."

Renee Einersen
Business Owner

"Every year I fight a battle (or two) with imposter syndrome, and I tell myself that I'm an engineer, not a sales rep. I've only begun working with Denise but I am already seeing so many things differently. I'm feeling more powerful, doing things that once were hard. It's getting easier every day. I can literally feel myself becoming more confident. I went from feeling like an imposter, to asking for the department lead position, and I got it!"

Veronica Brunk
Sales Manager

"From a career standpoint I now show up as a very different person. I am so much more confident and comfortable. I willingly put myself out there and take calculated risks, which is translating into more accountability, which carries with it a higher title and more pay. In addition to all that. Iā€™m just plain happier overall. I hope you know how valuable your work is."

Shaughn K
Director, Healthcare Project Implementation

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